A psychological trip into the traumas of three linked characters.

Assumption #1: Dreams can reflect in a symbolic way the traumas of the dreamer
Assumption #2: In dreams, neither the linearity of time nor causality are mandatory

Neither quite stop motion nor film, this "photofilm" is an experiment to break the linearity of time in a movie, while conveying a specific mood. It's simply composed of roughly two thousands photos.

Written and directed by Jean-Sébastien Monzani

Lina Taschi (Chapter I and II): Nissa Kashani
Ivan Minz (Chapter II): Adrien Barazzone
Sylvia Minz (Chapter III): Marie Fontannaz

Light assistant (Chapter I): Jonathan Main
Camera, effects and soundscape: Jean-Sébastien Monzani

©2012 JS Monzani / jsmonzani.com - all rights reserved
DRAUMAS - short movie
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DRAUMAS - short movie

A psychological trip into the traumas of three linked characters. Assumption #1: Dreams can reflect in a symbolic way the traumas of the dreamer 詳細を表示

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