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Reference: Entypo Epic Agile Template

Epic Title:
Creating a New Email
< An “epic” is a grouping of related user stories. The summary section should clearly state the overall goal of the epic in plain language that anyone can understand. >
Corporate and consumer users will need to be able to create new email messages. Email recipients will include valid addresses (email aliases) entered by users. Users should be able to enter a subject and textual content into the body of the email and send to a recipient(s).
Relevant Personas
< The following personas are related to this epic. Ideally, link to your personas. >
·      Consumer User (Required)
·      Corporate Knowledge Worker (Required)
·      Corporate Manager/Executive (Optional)
Epic Details - Required Elements/Actions
< The purpose of this section is to specify requirements, attributes and other details that are known when conceiving of an epic. These details may or may not always be available at the time an epic is created. Surfacing these details may be a result of collaboration between UX and Requirements Owners. Once surfaced, these details should be captured in the epic. Epics are living documents. >
All required users of the email application for Release 1 should be able to perform the following key actions below. Note that additional details for this epic will be clarified and documented as we talk with customers and progress through the release.
·      Create an email message that includes:
      -- valid recipient email address(es) entered by the user, including optional          cc: and bcc: addresses
      -- a subject line
            -- textual content in the body of the email
·      Cancel the email message, if the user wants to delete the email any time before it is sent
·      Save the email message as a draft, if the user wants to save a draft of the message for later, before it is sent
·      Send the email message, which will display to the recipient(s) the following attributes for each email:
-- Sender, Subject, Date Sent, Time Sent, Size

< NOTE: This section of the epic is NOT describing a UI design. The goal is to state what key actions and information display need to be supported by the design. Exactly how these requirements will manifest as a design should be determined by whoever owns the UI design. >

Related Epics
< The following epics are closely related to this epic. This helps to give designers and developers a sense for the bigger picture. Ideally, link to related epics. >
·      Viewing sent emails
·      Selecting email recipients from an address book
·      Adding attachments, photos and other items to emails
·      Adding an email signature
·      Viewing incoming emails
·      Organizing emails into smart folders
< Any beliefs, particularly less obvious ones, necessary to execute this epic. >
·      This will be a web-based email application. Browser set is TBD.
·      Users will already have some familiarity with other email applications.
·      The needs of different user personas are similar for the action of creating a new email. Future epics may be segmented by user type as necessary.
Open Questions
·      Is the Corporate Manager/Executive user optional for Release 1?
·      Which address books will we sync to? What about online address books and social websites?
Reference: Entypo Epic Agile Template

Reference: Entypo Epic Agile Template

Reference: Entypo Epic Agile Template


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