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AIGA Eye On Design Quoted

Recently I had the oportunity, to showcase my lettering aesthetic at AIGA Eye On Design blog. This is the process for the five quotes I had to visualize, including some singular thoughts on why I picked each one and how I came up with the final outcome.
Thank you so much for the invitation Perrin.
Since I started my visual communication design studies back in 2010, my first significant self taught lesson was that I hated to waste hours on copying styles, just to realize in the end that I wasn't full-filled at all with the result. The result wasn't the problem, I achieved exact copies but I just couldn't accept that I was doing something that was already done decades ago out of an entirely different cultural and historical context. So my search for style is all about learning by doing and explore unexpected outcomes through 100% manual experiments, where I cannot even say what I will try next and what will be the result.
This was definitely my favorite quote during university. Seeing Carson's work and understanding that perfection only leeds to boredom and that intentionally disrupting a visual message could actually muchu more atention is just mind-blowing. I often try to led the marker just flow and see how I can achieve the unexpected, while not loosing legibilty completely.
The most general and not only design related quote of the series is all about the importance of making yourself free from the pressure of possible failure. Living a live in fear is just a waste of time because you will never really explore your true personality. Accepting mistakes as the most natural and also effective part in every process to achieve actual progress, is a simple master lesson you shouldn't waste to much time for. Due to it's extense amount of characters, I went for a more legible composition.
Everytime you design something just to be functional you embrace something soulless into the world. Design is always about making things better, so there isn't much place for personality. Still though, in my opinion you cannot achieve improvement without emotion or expression. The most interesting thing about lettering is the possiblity to underline expression to a character that already has a meaning and how this unexpected outcome could actually underline the term's personality.
I believe in connections and that you're never really able to see the true impact of every action you take in each and every day. To me, life is all about dedicating your life to improve something you really love doing. Because besides being really full-filling it's also the most effective and honest way towards a better future for following generations.
After receiving the invitation, I pretty soon was clear about where I wanted to take my quote series. I'm an graphic design old schooler when it comes to exploration. I always prefer to create manually. The whiteboard has become during the last year my favourite surface, because it gives me the oportunity to explore type directly while developping unexpected and unique textures. Somehow this board has become an extension of myself, because it perfectly represents me and my casual and unperfect approach un graphic design. I imagined a simple series that maintains visual union through the material, technique and color
but still though mantains it's very own personality depending on the context of each quote.
AIGA Eye On Design Quoted

AIGA Eye On Design Quoted

Process for my AIGA Eye On Design Quoted series.
