Steven Twigg 的个人资料

Globe and Mail Editorials 2015

I can almost hear David Attinborough's gentle narration...
...and here we witness the Steven Twigg in his natural habitat. After forraging through Gmail for days, the Steven has found some of his favourite food - a story for the Globe and Mail. Once he has digested this story, the Steven will play for hours with little coloured sticks, eventually retiring to his den after pooping out what is known as "an illustration".
Art Direction: Ben Barrett-Forest
An elderly man fears life in icy Edmonton, but finds himself equally in danger in the warm climate of Victoria.
A young, traveling woman has a wild night after once smoking opium at an opium den.
Two boys smash Christmas lights on the street, but end up rewarded for righting their wrong.
A woman tells of her less-than-impressive swimming skills, how she has only been able to swim  clumsily on her back.
Thanks for looking!
This and much more illustration over on instagram @steventwigg
Globe and Mail Editorials 2015

Globe and Mail Editorials 2015

A collection of my most recent illustrations for The Globe and Mail.
