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Zen and the art of house cleaning

Project task:
Pack and advertizing communications development for the new brand of household chemicals.
The product line is created especially for the young girls conducting an active live. They have to work much and to study, they constantly subject to a stress.
The aim of a Visual Brand Image is to bring harmony, peace and tranquillity to the consumer.
Order in the house means order in the head.
Purity and order in the house introduce harmony, peace and tranquillity in the inner world. With the consecutive
and methodical clarification of your own space - you display all the thoughts and feelings on shelves.
Everything can become simple, clear and easy. Cleaning in the house can turn into pleasant ritual.

1. Logo creation and Naming
Zen — used as a metaphor of clarification, peace, freedom, it is a way to harmony and an order.
The logo includes pictograms of surfaces, which product is created for.  
Pictograms of floor and carpet coverings are settled down in bottom corners of logo, the glass surfaces always settled above.
The used natural colors are corresponding to the product odours.

ZEN is duplicated in a logo 2 times, what means an allusion to Japanese coins of happiness.
It is also emphasizes orderliness, peace and harmony.
2. Packing
In the cornerstone of the Brand Image putted The Japanese rock-garden which often called Zen. A rock-garden — is a window to other new world, beautiful and eternal. The garden is a kingdom of order. And when we keep an order around us, it brings the order to our soul.
The relief imitates the textures of surfaces created by a rake on sand.
Drawings are equal and straight what is also emphasizes the efficiency of brand products.
White color also supports the concept of ZEN and speaks about efficiency of cleaning.
3. Advertizing communications 

Publications in printed Media
Outdoor advertising
Zen and the art of house cleaning

Zen and the art of house cleaning

Разработка упаковки и рекламных коммуникация для линейки очищающих средств по уходу за домом ZEN. The packaging and advertising communications d Read More
