Rebranding Multibanco - SIBS

How to change a brand and a character that has changed the way people related with money? A brand that was a symbol of innovative experience in banking services. The Portuguese Banking System was in the 80’s a world pioneer. Multibanco and its character were almost untouchables but it was time to move on. A totally smooth evolution went through with a clean design approach. Respecting the good design that lived for 30 years, but giving it a fresh look and a more impactful feeling. The brand was also prepared for the new challenges ahead. A new cycle was starting with new innovative services under the same umbrella. SIBS the corporate brand behind Multibanco was also changed and a new tagline was also created: Moving Forward.

July 2008
Work made in Brandia Central. All rights belong to SIBS and Brandia Central

Multinho made by Miguel Sousa Guedes


Multibanco ATM service Branding


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