Movidiam Creative World

Idea and production of the Movidiam's banner.
The task was to create a single image representing the two worlds inside Movidiam's community: creatives and commissioners.
A team project made step by step together with the Movidiam team thanks to the amazing developing platform they give to their users.

Concept & Lead 3D artist: Giovanni Mauro -  3D artist assistant: Enrico Albanese -  Photography: Stopdown Studio - Compositing & Post-production: Stopdown Studio, Wicked Studios - Models: Adele Oliva and Michael DeCow - MUA: Federica Lombardo - Creative direction: Giovanni Mauro, Nicola Napoli, Samuel Giudice, Fabrizio Falcomatà - Art direction: Alex Vero, James Burden, George Olver 
Making of
Speed compositing and post-production video:
Movidiam Creative World