To change the perception of FIFA, from being a greedy, inconsiderate organisation, to one that cares about the global footballing community
Football Community
The logo is a clever combination of football and global community in order to emphasise this moral. The logo is a huge success due to its subtlety and visual appeal to the football market.
Who Are Ya!
The final campaign idea plays on the language of football chants in order to create that relationship between the fan and FIFA. This builds an element of trust with them as they feel that FIFA are now considering them as part of their community and therefore slightly repairs the damaged perceptions that FIFA already had.
Na Na Na Naaaaa
The idea of this booklet is to help the changing of perceptions for the fans. These will be given out to fans at the next FIFA event, such as the World Cup in order to show fans that FIFA have changed their ways, attitude and approach to the footballing community. What is nice about this is that it once again uses direct footballing language to make it appropriate for this audience. The book contains familiar football chants that have been amended in order to ridicule the old FIFA, but also show glimpses that the new FIFA is different, and therefore change perceptions.
For Everyone
The charities aim to tackle the most current pressing issues within the footballing community. The charity below aims to develop soccer schools in rural and developing areas in order to help the youth of football mature into and grow to their full potential. It also provides a means of fair trade in order to promote healthy competition between the super, more financially powerful, clubs and the smaller feeder clubs. The other charity looks at mental health in football. So what the idea is, is that famous strugglers of mental health, such as Kenny Samson, become spokespeople for the charity in order to provide support for general sufferers. These talks will follow a small charity football match that aims to free the sufferers’ minds.
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In the light of the ongoing FIFA crisis, it was used as an inspiration for a rebrand with the main intention of changing FIFA's current bad perce Daha Fazla Bilgi

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