Stefano Moscardini 님의 프로필enrico viola 님의 프로필

Danse Neurale

Cover pic by Patrick Siboni
who: the performance is a collaboration between SPECTRE ( Enrico Viola + Stefano Moscardini) and Lukas Zpira
Enrico created the software and the visuals, Stefano was responsible for the sound design and Lukas is the main performer on stage.

when: the whole performance was conceived and realized during the summer of 2011, while the three of us were constantly traveling in different parts of the world; fortunately we did share the same vision and come from very compatible cultural backgrounds, so we managed to create something organic working from different places and synching with a few occasional chats.
where: Danse Neurale was realized for the 2011 edition of Borderline Biennale; after just a few days it was performed again at Souterrain Porte VI and it’s now ready to travel to new places.
what: the central aspect in Danse Neurale is to bring flesh, plastic and steel on stage together, make them complementary and let them express together as if they were a single organism.
Lukas’ body is equipped with a series of wireless sensors: an
EEG headset, a breath microphone and a modified stethoscope; moreover two flesh hooks are inserted under his skin and connected to a winch. As the biometric signals are collected, they are sent to the software, where they are parsed in real time and used to drive both the audio and the visuals; when the winch starts to pull Lukas’ flesh, it generates a neurological response that, in turn, becomes a biomechanical feedback: two huge wings made with his own EEG graph grow from his shoulders, start to flap and lift his body off the ground.
BACKSTABorderline Biennale
BACKSTAGESouterrain Porte VI
Danse Neurale

Danse Neurale

Danse Neurale is an artistic performance by SPECTRE (Stefano Moscardini & Enrico Viola) and Lukas Zpira. It's been performed during Borderline B 자세히 보기
