Profiel van Skye T. Steen

Street Wise - ID6 Lion Matchbox Design

My submission for the annual local art event:
Interpret Durban 2015
Theme: "Flavours of Durban"
Design for Lion Safety Matches box
Street Wise is based on my experience of "food and fire" on the streets of Durban, where barrel braais scatter the pavements and taxi-ranks, filling the air with warm, smoky smells of meat and mielies - shisa nyama. I'd often watch from the bench outside the university, how these lit up the atmosphere with a hunger and excitement for authentic and home-grown food. Among the odd waddling chicken, customers would call out their orders for their roasted meals, "One inkukhu!", "Two umbela!"
Street Wise - ID6 Lion Matchbox Design

Street Wise - ID6 Lion Matchbox Design

Interpret Durban 6 2015 Theme: "Flavours of Durban"
