The Trucking Industry of India has played a major role in the Indian trade and commerce for decades.
Truckopoly — a variant of the popular board game monopoly is adapted and designed on the basis of the truck industry of India. The objective of the game is to become the wealthiest truck owner through buying, renting and selling property and goods across the country. The game involves various rules that have to be followed by the truck drivers while transporting goods from one city to another. The challenge is to stay on the top while incurring losses in the form of fines and penalties.
Truckopoly is for players above the age of 8 and is aimed at educating them about the business realities of the trucking industry of India. Inspired by the truck art of India, the design of Truckopoly brings alive the vibrant and flamboyant expression of the popular culture. The tokens used to play the game are miniature handmade trucks made out of clay. Instead of buying houses and hotels in monopoly, this game will let players own branch offices (offices within the city for booking and delivery of goods) and warehouses (bigger distribution centers outside the city). Instead of railroads, players can buy petrol pumps, and the income and luxury taxes have been transformed to National Permit tax and Fitness tax.
The motifs and decorations on the board and packaging reflects the popular truck culture of India.



The Trucking Industry of India has played a major role in the Indian trade and commerce for decades. Truckopoly — a variant of the popular board Read More
