Anna Skryabinas profil

Textile design / Raincoats #zhuzhazhuzha

There is a second concept of #zhuzhazhuzha (#жужажужа) raincoats.
There is our collaboration with Nina Shterenberg, where we generate rain, ideas and lots of love. This rain falls down and flowers start growing in hearts and souls of beautiful girls. With everydrop bouquette inside is larger and larger. 
St.Petersburg, the city we are living in, is grey, moody, especially in autumn. So our raincoats are reflection of the environment.

Every single peace is unique. Every time we make some changes to print.
Now there are 2 types of raincoats: trapezium, classical one and long one tail-coat.
All raincoats are doulbe-sides, so that it is possible to wear on the black side and beautiful print will be hidden.
This way raincoat becomes multifunctional.
Textile design / Raincoats #zhuzhazhuzha

Textile design / Raincoats #zhuzhazhuzha

Collaboration of textile designer Anna Skryabina and clothes designer Nina Shterenberg. We are the power which creates some rain drops, this rain Læs mere
