Nicholas Earle 的个人资料

Black Holes and Involutions

How can a render influence form?
Black Holes and Involutions is an exploration into using alien environments as a lighting studio. Where the ensuing reflections and distoritions upon a massing could create mysterious and otherworldly effects.
Reflections had a significant effect on the materiality choices and placement of fenestration and other structural elements. I focused on how the reflections warped in areas of crevices and replicated the forms with as great a fidelity as possible. Thus to outline areas that the alien environment and massing interacted best. The result created a massing truly alien to its context of lower Manhatten.
A render of a night shot from one of the experiments
Same experiment with a day render
Photos exploring the model made by a design utilizing multiple render studies
Render studies for lighting effects and inspiration for facade effects
Further render study for inspiration utilizing reflections and shadows from within a warehouse.
Black Holes and Involutions

Black Holes and Involutions

How can a render influence form?
