Clara Silva's profile

A Magia da Lia (in process)

"A Magia da Lia" — Lia's Magic — is an illustration children's book written and illustrated by Clara Silva.

As the final BA project, it had as coordinator Júlio Dolbeth, professor and illustrator, and as external entity Dr. Patrícia Martins, psychologist.

The need of a psychologist comes from the story implicit theme: the power of children's magic thinking.

The writer uses a romantic story between a cat and a fish to explain the power of thoughts, passing by important themes as compassion, family and good will.

To write and to illustrate this story, it was done a deep research on psychology*, writing and illustration.

The illustrations have a huge variety of textures, thanks to the diverse technics used, so the child can experience different ways of representing touch through two-dimensional image.

Text here (only in portuguese, at the moment).
Connections between pages — future cuts
19x26,5 cm
(each illustration/spread dimension)

Mixed technic 
liquid: aquarel, indian ink, ecoline, guache, acrylic paint
solid: H, HB, 2B, 4B graphite pencil; 0.24, 0.4, 0.5 black pilot pens; color pencils, felt tip markers, Promarkers, wax pencils, different kinds of paper, cloth, thread.
accessories: block printing roll, sponges, brushes, glue.
A Magia da Lia (in process)

A Magia da Lia (in process)

Illustrations for the children's book: "A Magia da Lia", also written by me, about Magic Thinking.
