Profil appartenant à Elena Svitkina

The application for clients of Schindler

Schindler manufactures, installs, services and modernizes elevators, escalators and moving walks for almost every type of building requirement worldwide.
This app was created for clients of Schindler in China. The app is introducing the brand to clients and helps to create their own configuration of escalator.
The application has about 100 pages and pop-up windows only for the English part. I'm not publishing all of them, just want to make a note that it was a huge project.
The app starts with the language choice. At the moment we have two options: English and Chinese.
The main menu.
On this slide we see the "Brand" page. I also showed how does the side-bar menu look like. It stays on the top of the every page and we can open and hide it anytime. This decision made the navigation pretty clear and convinient.
This is the "Global presence" page. I made icons of plants according to pictures which I had. After selection of the plant you can see the page with information about it. (I don't show those pages in this presentation)
This is one of the "Library pages" called "Brochures". I used the same layout for "References" and "Videos". You see that user can manage his library himself. You can download and delete any file and see if there are any new materials. 
This is the most interesting and difficult part of the app - 3D configurator. On this slide you can see only a concept of it.
We have 5 view icons on the top. By choosing one you can see the 3D model of escalator from different point of view. 
3 icons in the top right corner are: Configuration, Save and Main menu.
Pressed "Configuration" button opens bottom menu where you can choose the configuraion for the chosen view and then modification for it, like on the slide: Handrail color/Black. You suppose to see your applied configuration on the 3D model to see how it looks like in reality. Then you can save and download your modification.
This is the page for managing your configuration it shows the name and the date when it was created.
The first icon sends you to "Recap data" page where you can see which options were chosen for the configuration.
The second one will send you to 3D conficurator to modify your model.
The third one will show the "Mall view" page.
The fourth will delete chosen configuration.
Recap data page. From this page you can send information about your configuration directly to your email.
This is an example of inside pages.
Schindler's escalator has 35 safety features. This page was made for the client to demondtrate all of them graphically.
On this page 'Safety indicator" demonstrated. 
This is the example of pop-up window, where you can read more information about safety features
I want to add in the end that the work at this big project was made together with my art-director Diana Russell. I want to thank her for the help and involving to this interesting case.
The application for clients of Schindler
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The application for clients of Schindler

Design of application for clients of Schindler

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