Hitch offers bespoke recommendations to customers for service experiences that both fits their lifestyle and helps them attain their ideal sense of self.

This is done through an algorithm that will learn individual personality, values and lifestyle in order to sync with larger purchasing trends and accurately match you to the best-fit service providers.

Through understanding of our customers' values, attitudes, and lifestyles, Hitch becomes a digital mentor, both empowering and guiding users to relevant services and experiences.

Hitch's intention is to facilitate attainment of an individual's desired personal growth, needs and positive experiences.

Customer Business Proposition:
We are a brand advisement service for consumers. Offering individualized recommendations based on user-information aggregated from their reviews, interests, targeted questions, and previous experiences. Combined with their social network, we build a highly accurate lifestyle insight database. Through our recommendations/mentoring, our customer’s are able to learn about themselves, express their needs/desires, make informed decisions, and attain positive experiences.
Customer Segments: 

The Newly Empowered
Customer Segments:
The Comfortable Lifestyle
Hitch-to-Business Customer Proposition:

We are a highly accurate, deep data resource and marketing channel for businesses. By offering data that accurately expresses consumer’s beliefs, values, goals, and consumption behaviors, we become an invaluable wellspring for research and consumer insights. Additionally, a business’s “face-page” provides them a new channel to directly receive, and respond to customer feedback. Over time, throughout various service offerings and marketing campaigns, a business can use our data to track how customer perceptions about their brand is responding and evolving
Service Blueprint


Service concept that recommends service providers and service experience based on individual lifestyle, preferences, needs and values through an Mehr anzeigen
