Often, capturing the beautiful landscape we may come across with proves to be a complicated task - photographers, regardless of their skill level can feel not fully satisfied with the way their images turn out to be, and even though the photograph turns out to be astonishing in which regards to its composition technique and overall illumination, in reality, we can experience the loss some of its tonal range and contrasts when captured.  
As part of this fascinating community, we at Sleeklens decided to honor the joy of landscape photography with our bundle “Through the Woods Workflow" - a collection of 51 presets and 30 professional brushes that will help you to bring the beauty out of your landscape photographs without losing realism in the process. Turn your landscapes into mystic astonishing scenes using our carefully crafted Lightroom brushes, adjusting even the tiniest details you can ever imagine.
Get that final effect you are striving for by using stackable presets - apply these presets as if they were Photoshop layers, without cancelling each other.  
If you still have some doubts about how can "Through the Woods Worfklow" be an essential part of your photography gear, we have recorded a video tutorial of our editing process using this bundle at the following link: http://bit.ly/1OqiPsi
Get to know all the editing options that the bundle offers and turn your landscape images into masterpieces!
Through the Woods Workflow

Through the Woods Workflow

The Ultimate Workflow for Landscape Photography - Designed to enhance, tone and sharpen your landscape photos in a natural style.
