"Loose Ties"
A mysterious game fixed to a wall.
How to play:
Two players both have a set of knitting needles (blue or green). Each knitting needles is attached by yarn to another in the same color. To start, all the blue knitting needles are on one side, and all the green knitting needles are on the opposite side. Players take turns to move a knitting needle across to the opposite side. One move per play.  Knitting needles can be placed in any open places. When moving the knitting needle, you can only travel over and across. Needles may not be woven through yarn. 
How to win:
Move all of your knitting needles to your opponents side without any tangles in your yarn.
At the game progresses, the yarn will get more and more tangled with your opponents. The objective is to work with your opponent to untangle the yarns, while also working against them in order to win.
Loose Ties

Loose Ties

Materials: Wood, cork, yarn, bristol, gouache


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