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30 Day Design Challenge - My Best-Of

The Pocket Book Design Challenge
Day 9: Redesign the cover of this book
My personal Best-Of
At the end of June 2015 I got to get my hands on this free e-book for newcomer designers - The Pocket Book.
Besides practical advice for workflow, networking and personal growth it also offers a 30 Day Design challenge which I (of course) decided to accept.
Here you have my personal Best-Of of my results of the challenge exercises.
If you´d like to explore the rest of my little practice-pieces you can see them on my blog Monthly Creativity
What you should keep in mind when viewing these:
Quote from The Pocket Book:
"note: this exercises are meant for completing them in no more than half an hour, it doesn´t matter if they are good or not, they are meant for improving your creativity and keep you making things everyday"
Ambient Phunk
Day 28: Design a cover for your favourite music band
"The 30 day design challenge is nearly over and today I could at last do the exercise I have been looking forward to nearly half of july. You may wonder why this is my favourite, well it´s easy – I had a good excuse to alter it ^^.
My best friend recently visited me in Vienna (we live felt lightyears apart, so this was a big thing for me) and one of his “sayings” (it´s realy just a term, so “sayings” doesn´t quite fit) is: “Ambient Phunk” describing music that sounds weird, corny or boring to him, like the electronical equivalent of elevator music. And I just LOVE that term, it has power, you can virtually spit it out and when he says it there is no end to the mental pictures you form to that kind of music" ...
Day 29: Design a new toy
... "So why not make social criticism out of my beyond foul mood?
Most kids in the west have way too many toys anyway, there has to be a new one every month at least, and if there isn´t any need for it the economy will damn well create some.
So kids – get out, collect some stuff and build your own toys (hint: it doesn´t actually cost 1000€)."
Burger Queen
Day 16: Choose a funny brand and make it elegant
..."So I think the “Burger Queen” logo at least looks like you could enjoy a cup of tea to your junkfood ^^.
So, what do you say, would you eat there?"...
Day 12: Choose two animals and draw a hybrid animal from them
Day 13: Make a symbol of your hybrid animal
... "So my goal was to creep you lot out a bit and at the same time make it cute in a way. I think I mostly succeeded at cute…
So here you have: aranea delphinidae" ...
Background Texture:
Day 25: Design a jewel
... "I´m actually a bit proud of this one.
Firstly because I am not at all a jewellery type, I have one ring I wear all the time, that´s my wedding ring, and even this one is absolutely minimalistic and made of platinum. My “jewellery” constist mostly of piercings. I could of course have done one of them, but then I wouldn´t have had the chance to do this gorgeous minimalistic background for my jewellery." ...
Thanks for Watching!
30 Day Design Challenge - My Best-Of

30 Day Design Challenge - My Best-Of

My Best-Of of the 30 Day Design Challenge by The Pocket Book
