GLITCH.BA is a traditional / ethno carpet with a glitch, flickering between digital and 
analog, traditional and contemporary. 

Structured repetition of glitch in the digital world is combined with the structure of traditional 
elements, resulting with a „glitchy“ carpet. 

The project aims to revive the indigenous values of traditional carpets that have become neglected over 
time, although they are considered an important cultural heritage. Combining traditional elements and
modern digital tools, we have created a new version of traditional carpet that respects traditional
techniques, value and function but is reinterpreting them in a contemporary way.

Each carpet is handmade and unique, made in cooperation with Regeneracija Zabok Croatia as a
part of their project named Autoportreti (Self-portraits). The material used for producing the carpets
is 100 % pure and natural wool from New Zealand, processed in two different ways – felting
and carding. This allows the use of several special techniques that emphasize the
dynamic structure and offer originality.

GLITCH.BA is a traditional / ethno carpet with a glitch, flickering between digital and analog, traditional and contemporary. Structured repetiti Read More
