Perfil de Benedek Takács

booklet of the arcus temporum festival


Arcus Temporum is an art festival, which through the genres of music, fine arts, theatre and film starts a dialogue and provides space for a linkage between past and present in the thousand years old abbey of Pannonhalma.The festival's image, which is more than 10 years old has got through a renewal, by which such a codesystem has been formed, which can be understood as the language of the festival on its own, and functions as a significant visual component.

Hungarian Design Award 2015

Special Prize Awarded by the State Secretariat for Culture of the Ministry of Human Capacities.

Az Arcus Temporum Fesztivál arculata 2015-ben a Maygar Formatervezési Díj, vizuális kommunikáció kategóriában a Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma Kultúráért Felelős Államtitkárságának különdíjában részesült.
Photos made by Fülöp Schmal.
booklet of the arcus temporum festival
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booklet of the arcus temporum festival

Photos by Fülöp Schmal.

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