Christopher Webb's profile

The Reef: After the Flood

The Reef: After the Flood (work-in-progress)

"The Reef: After the Flood" is a stop motion animated film created by Christopher Webb and John Jerard. This passion project is a source of creative inspiration for Chris and John as well as a testing ground for many of the FX methods Chris has developed and employed in other work.

Behind the scenes
Sea Hourse animation puppet fashioned from metal drill shavings and a broken light bulb.
The Reef set is constructed entirely out of NYC rubbish and found objects. Much of the set features built in moving and internally illuminated sculpture.
Reef set with overhead lighitng rigs for animated water effects.
Illuminated Frog Fish constructed from plastic scraps and shopping bags.
Super 16mm Bolex ELIII with digital video tap for animation preview and Bolex frame control computer for stop motion animation and trick cinematography.
Co-Director and Cinematographer: Christopher Webb
Co-Director and Designer: John Jerard
Jerard Studio / Christopher Webb Films, Inc.

To learn more, please visit:
The Reef: After the Flood

The Reef: After the Flood

A stop motion animated film featuring a reef made of rubbish and found objects.
