Perfil de Caroline Wren

European Newspaper Awards of Excellence 2002-2013

Award of Excellence Section Front Weekly
From the redesign. Set of atmospheric photos of a legendary Prague Jazz band in one of the city's dimly lit, smokey jazz clubs.
Award of Excellence Section Front Weekly
Guerlla knitting: Kept the knits in colour so easier to see in situ, balanced with some fun balls of wall as lead.
Award of Excellence Front Page Weekly
Photo illustration/composite for a package on stalking. The EU criminalized it, but it wasn't illegal in the Czech Republic.
Award of Excellence Front Page Weekly
Reflective feature on protests held in Prague over the plight of Tibet. Aimed to keep the placard and headline from clashing.
Award of Excellence Front Page Weekly
From our photographer's personal collection of pictures of his new-born. Feature on legality of home birth and mid wives roles.
Award of Excellence Section Front Weekly
Design by neccessity, images all at print size, text on Czech innovations so made a pixar-inspired "desk lamp" layout.
Award of Excellence Portfolio
Feature on industral spaces undergoing transformation so exposed and emphasised the grid the page is built on.
Award of Excellence Portfolio
Handout art from a photo exhibit, challenging because all the images were vertical.
Award of Excellence Portfolio
Great shot from a rave, story on ecstasy use. Tight kerning and leading emulating club flyers.
Award of Excellence Portfolio
Two biennales in direct competition, with funding a problem. Available art: workers put up a poster for one, detail of one art work. 
Award of Excellence Section Front Weekly
Author shot in a bookshop felt heavy and blockish, so created four blocks postioned to balance it and draw the eye to his face.
Award of Excellence Front Page Weekly, Portfolio
Changed the crop and the grid to go full-photo package. Trend story about foreigners sending their children to Czech schools. 
Award of Excellence Portfolio
Vibrant colour photos from the fairground printed in black-and-white. Planned the package to try to restore the dynamism.
Award of Excellence Section Front Weekly 
Full-on poster page with a full-on photo on where to find pool tables in Prague. As hard to find as 4-colour pages. 
Award of Excellence Section Front Weekly
Handout art from a theatre production, second strory also had photos commissioned. Tricky squueze. 
Award of Excellence Front Page Weekly
Story investigating reports of child prostitution in a border town. We bought the well-loved doll, someone had red lipstick. 
Award of Excellence Front Page Weekly
Marking 15 years post-communism with analysis and period photos. Havel, dissident playwright turned president, top right. 
Award of Excellence Front Page Weekly
Concept cover for a story on police wiretapping. Metallic bugs in the top right corner, main image is our copy editor's ear.  
Award of Excellence Front Page Weekly
Shots from a lively Interview with the Defense Minister. Instead of one static portrait, went with a pop and some facial movement. 
Award of Excellence Front Page Weekly
A pop and crop of our only shots of two Communist Party officials at odds about how to make the party relevant in a democracy. 
Award of Excellence Section Front Weekly 
Nice handout art for this photography exhibit. First use of caption font Franklin Book as the display head came out clean. 
Award of Excellence Section Front Weekly
Prague held a global leadshership conference for teens. I'm not sure why they had ties around their heads, but I like the shot. 
Award of Excellence Front Page Weekly
Important story on the continued use of caged beds in mental health facilities. Static shot, so "claustrophic" packaging.
Award of Excellence Front Page Weekly
I loved this page. Great fighter jet handout art, first use of a kicker, first full photo lead package ... did I mention fighter jets?
Award of Excellence Front Page Weekly
Vaclav Havel leaves office. Photo grid of key moments from his presidency plus our best portrait. It took hours. It sold out. 
Award of Excellence Front Page Weekly
Exciting times as the Czech Republic joins the EU. Two-story jump off the main package and breakout. "Next" in a sampled blue.
Award of Excellence Section Front Weekly
Illustration package on Communist collaborators on company boards. Printers missed a plate resulting in a lilac product.
Award of Excellence Section Front Weekly 
Mosaic frame and bird scanned from snapshots. Added to make the portrait pop and showcase more of his work on the opener.
During my time as designer and art director at The Prague Post, from 2002 till the last print edition in 2013, I won these Awards of Excellence from the European Newspaper Award ( including porfolio. Tight budgets meant scope for innovation with value placed on great story-telling, visually as well as writing. While many of these pages would make my favourites list, they are "curated" by the judges. 
European Newspaper Awards of Excellence 2002-2013
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European Newspaper Awards of Excellence 2002-2013

Awards of Excellence from the European Newspaper Awards 2002 to 2013

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