Profil appartenant à Tim Collins

The Lisbon Connection
The Lisbon Connection was an epic 5 day shoot that shows our 3 characters: Francisco, Marco and Nuno on a splendid gentlemans day out in Lisbon. See them visit Figaros Barbershop for some beard shaping, then on to Lisbon's most established tailors, DoHomem. After that the guys head across town in their vintage convertible for drinks in a Lisbon speak-easy cocktail lounge. Do homem is one of the oldest tailors in Lisbon. I was told "We used to dress the poets here, Eça de Queirós and Fernando, and after that we dressed the politicians". One thing that makes this place so special is one of the tailors working there is 89 years old, and he's been there for over 40 years! It was a pleasure to watch Mr Horácio, and the other tailors at work dressing our 3 Lisbon men.
The Lisbon Connection
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The Lisbon Connection

The Lisbon Connection was an epic 5 day shoot that shows our 3 characters: Francisco, Marco and Nuno on a splendid gentlemans day out in Lisbon. Lire la suite

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