Profilo di Joerg Jahn

Mercedes-Benz Tweet Fleet

Mercedes-Benz Tweet Fleet
Social Media & Mobile Campaign
Cars tweet empty parking spaces.

The Active Parking Assist from Mercedes-Benz recognizes empty parking spaces by simply passing them.
That brought us to the idea: If the car knows where the empty parking spaces are –then everybody should know!

Just before Christmas when parkingslots were hard to find, the Mercedes-Benz Tweet Fleet with its Active Parking Assist tweeted empty parking spaces in downtown Stuttgart.
The cars automotically generated a tweet with GPS data out of every parking space they passed. This is how people could find empty parking spaces near them on Twitter and even be navigated there by a linked Google map.

The press released this Christmas service the night before the promotion. Within a day, Mercedes-Benz Tweet Fleet was ranked top 3 of the most discussed topics in the German-speaking social web.
Not only did this bring the Active Parking Assist up for discussion, but it also proved the innovation leadership of Mercedes-Benz.
Published: 12/2011
Client: Daimler AG
Agency: Jung von Matt/Neckar
Creative Directors: Kai Heuser, Joerg Jahn
Art Director: Boris Noll
Copywriters: Matthias Hess, Desiree Leibrecht
Technology: Boris Noll, Sebastian Heidfeld
Designers: Matthias Müller, Benjamin Fritz, Viktor Vegh
Account Director: Markus Schumacher
Agency Producers: Simone Abel, Michael Hermann
Mercedes-Benz Tweet Fleet

Mercedes-Benz Tweet Fleet

Cars tweet free parking spaces.


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