FMF E-commerce & Online Marketing
A complete re-design for FMF's e-commerce web presence and content site.
FMF E-commerce - Homepage
FMF E-commerce - Bike Search & Selector
FMF E-commerce - Product Content Page(s)

This may seem odd. Why have a Product Content Page? The concept is that you never know where a user will enter your website from. FMF has about 15 different and overlapping product dimensions that are applicable to approximately 1200 vehicles. The easiest way to categorize this information was by "family of origin". Each family has certain characteristics used to classify it... hence product families and siblings could fit any number of vehicles. Therefore, we implemented Product Content Pages to address each product family independently. An added plus was the SEO and Keyword benefits these section provided.

Targeted content areas were used to market product and content promotions.
FMF E-commerce - Product Content Page(s)
FMF E-commerce - Product Content Page(s)
FMF E-commerce - Search Results (Apparel)

FMF's core product offering and revenue driver are mufflers and pipes. Once we added apparel to the catalog there was a need to continue to cross-sell their hard-parts to customers. A simple search tool was added to the result sets that included apparel via Endeca. So as not to be invasive to the user-experience, this was only persistent for the first page of results.
FMF E-commerce - PDP (Product Details Page)

From a user-experience scenario, one of the primary (and exciting) inclusions here was mapping the product catalog to over 1200 MX, ATV, UTV vehicles and Road bikes to provide the user an "exact match" for their part and bike combination on the PDP. Most high traffic product categories were also combined with an athlete video endorsement.
FMF E-commerce

FMF E-commerce

FMF E-commerce and Online Marketing project
