Welsh television channel S4C were interested in seeing logo concepts for their new creativity centre based in Camarthen called Yr Egin. Yr Egin is a welsh word meaning seedlings, this represents growth and nature, it was important for the logo to somewhat resemble this in some creative way or another.
I based my logo design on contour lines of mountains that are featured on maps. Among many other things, Wales is famous for it's hilly countryside and boysterous mountains. The shape I created is unique and can be manipulated as well as interperated in many ways, it represents freedom and expression through artistic means. It was important to me as the designer to make the writing that was needed flow along side the device, the shape of the device conveniently adopts the shape of the 'C' in the word 'Canolfan', I thought the over all balance of this made the composition far more appealing to the eye.
Colour swatches-
Final Logo Design-
S4C Yr Egin- Client.

S4C Yr Egin- Client.

A series of logo design developments for television channel S4C's new creative centre Yr Egin.


Creative Fields