Profil appartenant à HYFN Creative

Mophie: Stay Powerful

The Ask
After launching their iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus juice pack battery cases at CES, mophie was set up for their first-ever Big Game ad—they just needed the right social strategy to score big. Enter HYFN, called upon to generate buzz around mophie’s #StayPowerful ad, promote their new juice pack battery cases, and garner intrigue and entries into their $1 million Big Game sweepstakes.
Strategic Approach
CES had come and gone and we had but 22 days to make an impact. Leveraging mophie’s success at the tradeshow and their Big Game concept we decided to sequence our creative and messaging to prime interest before deploying conversion-focused advertising to encourage purchase. This allowed us to extend the life of their product videos from CES and introduce the #StayPowerful concept, retargeting both the week after the Big Game.

We also took to Facebook and Twitter to reach fans new and old. Current customer data allowed us to target lookalike audiences—that is, potential new customers based on current purchaser profiles. Armed with this info and a multi-channel marketing approach, we were able to grow mophie’s addressable audience to successfully promote the new products plus their activity around the Big Game.
The Results

The combination of great creative plus a smart social advertising strategy resulted in a big win. It was truly rewarding to help a first-time advertiser bring a touch of sophistication to their messaging, targeting, and ROI.
Type: Website, Social Ads
Client: Mophie
Agency: HYFN
Date: February, 2015
Mophie: Stay Powerful
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Mophie: Stay Powerful

To start the year, mophie had two tentpole events: they were launching new iPhone 6 products as well as running their first ever Super Bowl ad. T Lire la suite

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