TERNURISMO. Campaign of the year Top 10 P&M.

Pork consumption in Colombia used to be associated with celebrations rather than everyday life. 
So, we decided to create a brand platform for Porkcolombia that would give it a cheerful and fun personality capable of reflecting that party-like feeling in everyday life when eating pork. 
That's why when you eat it, you experience Ternurismo, Amiguismo, Emocionismo and all those positive feelings that come with a celebration.

EFFIE 2016: Foods/Silver - Government, Institutional & Recruitment/BronzeTOP 10 P&M 2015: Campaign of the Year.
2016 Campaign
GCD: Jaime Cueto
CD: Jairo Rodríguez, Felipe Cubillos, David Nicolás
Copywriters: Jairo Rodríguez, David Nicolás
Art Direction: Felipe Cubillos
TERNURISMO. Campaign of the year Top 10 P&M.

TERNURISMO. Campaign of the year Top 10 P&M.

Campaña Porkcolombia. Come más carne de cerdo, la de todos los días. TBWA/COLOMBIA Director General Creativo: Jaime Cueto Directores Creativos: Se mer
