A Shrine In The City is a tactile woodwork sculpture that pays homeage to one of Singapore's landmark, Maqam Habib Noh.
What is interesting about this place is its history and mystical backstory. One story tells that originally the government wanted to demolish the place to build the (ECP) expressway, but the plan couldn’t be executed. Legend has it that bulldozers on the brink of demolishing the shrine could not operate. Plans were then changed, with destruction of the shrine to be avoided. Instead the government built the ECP around it, a curved detour arc around Palmer road. (The curved plane at the front) Some believe it was a case of supernatural intervention because the Mosque is built upon holy ground.
A Shrine In The City

A Shrine In The City

Maqam Habib Noh is a shrine adjacent to Haji Muhammad Salleh Mosque that is located on a hill flanked by Palmer road and the ECP highway. Not man Další informace
