Profiel van Diego Salinas Flores

The Student Movement in Chile, pt. 2

The Student Movement in Chile
2012. A new year marked the first milestone: the entry of a new Minister of Education, Harald Beyer, to the government of SebastiĆ”n PiƱera after the departure of Felipe Bulnes.Ā This should be the year when all this is decided, understanding that it is a conflict that should not be extended for so long, but in May will be one year of mobilization, with colleges and universities taken, resignations of ministers, bad political moves, etc.Ā This date must be understood in the present context, because mobilization for bettereducation have been doing for over 15 years.

I hope, like many, that the creativity of students again take to the streets of Chile. This collection of pictures and videos is, as the previous project, only a small revision to the conflict, but I hope anyway that has the creativity of Chilean students and also othernegative aspects that also happened.

2012. Un nuevo aƱo marcado por el primer hito: el ingreso de un nuevo Ministro de EducaciĆ³n, Harald Beyer, al Gobierno de SebastiĆ”n PiƱera tras la salida de Felipe Bulnes.Ā Este debiera ser el aƱo en que todo esto se decida, entendiendo que es un conflicto que no debiera extenderse por tanto tiempo, pero que en Mayo cumplirĆ­a 1 aƱo de movilizaciones, con colegios y universidades en toma, renuncias de ministros, jugadas polĆ­ticas, etc. Esta fecha hay que entenderla en el contexto actual, porque movilizaciones por una mejor educaciĆ³n se vienen haciendo hace mĆ”s de 15 aƱos.Ā 
Espero, asĆ­ como muchos, que la creatividad de los estudiantes vuelva a tomarse las calles de todo Chile. Esta recopilaciĆ³n de fotos y videos es, como el proyecto anterior, sĆ³lo una pequeƱa revisiĆ³n al conflicto, aunque espero de todas formas que de cuenta de la creatividad de los estudiantes chilenos, asĆ­ tambiĆ©n de otros aspectos negativos que tambiĆ©n sucedieron.
Fired tear gas cartridges into the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, during the police repression of August 4, the day when the government denied the right to free expression and prevented spontaneous demonstrations throughout Chile, contrary to the arguments raised by Sebastian PiƱera and his government, which they say have never punished any mobilization.

Cartuchos de bombas lacrimĆ³genas lanzados al interior de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, durante la represiĆ³n policial del 04 de Agosto, dĆ­a en que el gobierno negĆ³ el derecho de libre expresiĆ³n e impidiĆ³ manifestaciones espontĆ”neas en todo Chile, contrariamente a los argumentos seƱalados por SebastiĆ”n PiƱera y su gobierno, que dicen nunca haber reprimido movilizaciĆ³n alguna.
"The march of the umbrellas", one of the most massive mobilizations in Santiago that gathered more than 100,000 people marching down the Alameda. The grace of this place is that there were no riots, even with a much lower number of police officers to normal.

"La marcha de los paraguas", una de las marchas mĆ”s masivas en Santiago que reuniĆ³ mĆ”s de 100.000 personas marchando por la Alameda. La gracia de esta marcha es que no hubo disturbios, incluso con una dotaciĆ³n policial muy inferior a lo normal.
Impersonator of President Salvador Allende and his guard.
Free education is much more than a slogan.
The last video made ā€‹ā€‹for the FAUNA Collective, a collection of marches and events of 2011in conjunction with Ana Tijoux song "Shock," which became a sort of hymn of the mobilized students.
Audiovisual intervention in urban space "40 Seconds Painter" by a group of students fromFAU in conjunction with the agency "Delight Lab".
"TV for Chile," streaming TV program made ā€‹ā€‹by students of the Communication and Image Institute at the University of Chile with the support of some teachers and technicians, with the theme of today's student movement. One of the most important communication initiatives, it is the first universitary channel that transmits over the Internet, and especially in the circumstances in which it was made.
200,000 people came out to march throughout Chile. In Santiago, the FAU was commissioned to manifest in a particular way: a "diablada" symbolizing a typical Chilean festival that occurs in the north of the country. These paper mache dolls represents the president SebastiƔn PiƱera, former president Michelle Bachelet, Joaquin Lavin (former Minister of Education), former president Eduardo Frei and Augusto Pinochet.

Ā 200.000 personas salieron a marchar a lo largo de todo Chile. En Santiago, la FAU se encargo de manifestarse de una forma particular: una "diablada", simbolizando una fiesta tĆ­pica chilena que se da en la zona norte del paĆ­s. Estos muƱecos de papel machĆ© representan a SebastiĆ”n PiƱera, Michelle Bachelet, JoaquĆ­n LavĆ­n (ex-ministro de EducaciĆ³n), Augusto Pinochet y Eduardo Frei.
The State is dead.
More content can be seen here:
The Student Movement, part one:Ā
Book: The Movement for the Chilean Education:Ā
The Student Movement in Chile, pt. 2

The Student Movement in Chile, pt. 2

Recopilation of photos and videos of the Student Movement in Chile, 2011.
