Women's snowboarding is taking off now more than ever before. Ladies are hitting new heights, landing new tricks and they are not slowing down. Eyre is a new brand of snowboards that is specifically made just for women. These boards are for ladies looking to push themselves, explore, and maybe eat some snow every once and a while on the mountain. 
In my research, I noticed that there was a large portion of female riders that felt like they were limited in their snowboarding options, and that many times the current brands didn't reflect them. Eyre plans to captivate their audience by using social media to reach out to them and to create a mentorship program where girls can learn from the best.
Our Boards
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Note about Big Eyre: 
Big Eyre is about building lifelong relationships and bringing in new faces to snowboarding. Members from the Eyre Team join riders across all different skill levels to help them perfect techniques and explore the mountain. Big Eyre will also offer special mentors for riders looking to enter in competitions. 
Board selection page
This is one of my favorite screens! If a user is uncertain what they are looking for they can casually scroll through all the boards on the screen or select a specific type of board from the box above. Once they select a specific type of board, the screen will repopulate with their results. 
Mixed in with the boards are images from the Eyre Instagram page. These images break up the grid and get users excited for the season. This is also a good way to show the Eyre lifestyle. The best part is users can submit their own photos using the hashtag #EyreDay, making them part of the web experience.
Eyre Snowboards

Eyre Snowboards

Local and started by friends, Eyre is focused on bringing female boarders together to bring new options to the boarding market.
