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Interaction Design Concepts

Interaction Design Concept Work
A collection of IXD concept work expressed in sketches, user scenarios, and wireframes.
Digital Gym 

Why not connect gym users to each other and allow them to motivate and challenge each other as well as track each other's progress? Let the gym system be intuitive enough to allow users to adjust for goals, injuries and broken machines so that all data is accurate and present.
Coffee ATM

If coffee machines are to become the new water cooler then why aren't they...cooler? How can the coffee fetching experience be improved and help facilitate co-worker interaction?
Wardrobe Function

Though the term usuallyapplies to underwear challenged starlets I thought what about Wardrobe Function? Chopping off the MAL part of it left me with the question of how can our closets getorganized and how can this be done easily, nearly free and digitally?
Coupon Card

As working Manhattanites, we are usually anchored to the same neighborhood so we frequent the same luncheries. These places often try and entice you to become a loyal customer via little notecards and stamps. After one gets about 10 (or even one) of those, they get lost and/or forgotten. 

The cards do not get redeemed and the customer does not get rewarded. If restaurants pooled their efforts and invested in one digitally read card that can easily go on a keychain much like a Duane Reade card, then it it will be easier for them to retain loyal customers and easier for us to keep track of where we ate and how many points we have left there until that glorious free lunch.
thINK Interactive Tattoo Design

Create an interactive website platform which takes the obvious social interaction aspect built into many websites but elevate it to a level of interaction of aesthetics. Allow for the process of tattoo development to be public, guided and advised by tattoo professionals who stand to benefit from a business-wise standpoint by promoting their work and shops. 

Let the final piece stand out as art which can be saved, shared, and printed for review before it gets applied to the skin forever. Allow users to submit ideas and let them see these ideas develop before their eyes. A concept can be taken from a simple sketch to a final tattoo using thINK's technology to draw, comment, edit, track and personalize it.
Interaction Design Concepts