Brandon Harns profil

Editorial Illustration

"A Bad Apple On Campus"   |   A walkthrough of how I create these images. 
"The UK Murder Cover Up"
"How The New York Times Let The Truth Leak Out"   |   These illustrations are built using stock images or photography I have taken myself. The image below shows the final piece to the left along with all of the images used to create it on the right.
"NY Gun Owners Stand For Their Rights"
"Gun Haters Try To Break Gun Owners’ Bank"   |   A walkthrough of how I create these images. 
"Australia: There Will Be Blood"
"Problems at the Border"
"How Are Things Looking For Gun Owners?"
"Why the Atlantic is Sinking"
"Why Light Is Essential When Defending Your Home"
"The New Epidemic Society Is Facing"
"Guns From Hot Rod Magazine"
"5 Rifle That Snipers Love"
"Firearms From Famous Films"
"Washington The Warrior"
Editorial Illustration

Editorial Illustration

These images were created as editorial art for NRA America's First Freedom Daily, a news website that posts fresh stories every weekday.
