Tom Eriksen 님의 프로필

Comviq - 19,000 Flagship stores

Comviq - Flagship stores
Building 19,000 flagship stores for a dirt cheap cell company.
Almost every news stand, hot dog joint, tabac and bookie in Sweden waves a stupid flag with a dog on it. It’s to tell people where to top-up their Comviq prepaid phones. Comviq is cheap. Comviq can’t afford any swanky concept stores. But since 19,000 stores already wave the Comviq flag, why not turn each and everyone into a flagship store?
150 ouddoor ads where created for specific locations
…very specific
…extremely specific
…and then 15 generic outdoors
Comviq - 19,000 Flagship stores

Comviq - 19,000 Flagship stores

A campaign Farfar did for Comviq in 2009.
