O Século Português / The Portuguese Century

The Portuguese Century (O Século Português, in portuguese) superficially is a comparison of demographics in Portugal in a 100 years range, but in essence it is an extrapolation of limits of information visualization, it is an artifact that can be considered informative art. A hundred years after a problematic implementation of the republic, the social and demographic structure of the country suffered extreme changes, which can not be noted from a simple visualization of information. Therefore the demographic changes are the most visible variable of these concepts. This project is divided into two artifacts, a digital and informative artifact and a tangible and exhibitive artifact.

This work was shown in the exhibition Digital DArq 2015 organized by the Department of Architecture of FCTUC and the Department of Informatics Engineering of FCTUC. The allusion of demographic changes within 100 years, related to the changes in the last 100 years at the University of Coimbra, the largest educational center in Portugal, known for hosting people from all regions (including the ex-colonies) were factors of choice by the curator of the event. This exhibition was inserted into the celebration of 725 years of the University of Coimbra.

Concept, process of The Portuguese Century and record of exibhition on DigitalDArq - 2015.
Concept poem based on the typical Penedo da Saudade, Coimbra poems.
Song by Sam Long live the Kid! (2003, Carlos Paredes - Perpetual Movements) and old images from A Nau Portugal (1940) by Leitao de Barros;
1. Digital artefact:
Using csv files, corresponding maps of Portuguese demographics in several years were created.
Its purpose is purely informational. This reading can be handled Processing.
To generate the demographic shape of Portugal, it was used Grasshopper algorithm and the graphical programming language for modeling in Rhinoceros 3D.
Resulting shape in Rhinoceros 5 envolviment
2. Tangible Artifact:
For the realization of a tangible information display, we tried to create a different experience of the digital visualization. For economic reasons and legibility of information, we split the demographic "hills" at small cuts.
The global shape was created by the interleaved plates of 1910 and 2010 ih white and blue, respectively, on the project and it was used to differentiate the years. This is an allusion to the Portuguese monarchy (white, 1910) and the European Union (blue, 2010), the top level  form of government in Portugal. For lighting are used LED strips.
This piece is more than an informational value, its visualization is about to take a personal experience about it,
taking their opinions and experiences about the experience.
This piece is a materialization of the digital project for be shown on Digital DArq 2015.
Final structure in Rhinoceros. For create a struture is used threaded rod, bolts, and a 8mm hose.
Light tests using Cinema 4D
In the Cut was used a laser plotter. For the plates was used 10mm card.
Painting process
Poster of exibihition
Exhibition in Digital DArq 2015
This is an academic work and don't have commercial purpose.
O Século Português / The Portuguese Century

O Século Português / The Portuguese Century

The Portuguese Century (or O Século Português, in portuguese), superficially is a comparison of demographics in Portugal in a 100 years range. Bu Развернуть
