AJET Meltdown flyer
The Association for Japan Exchange and Teaching (AJET) is a volunteer-run organization established in 1988. It serves the JET community in Japan by providing networking opportunities, building support networks, and giving back to the Japanese community through charitable donations and volunteer efforts.
Meltdown is a recent collaboration between AJET and a local club, VANO. It is a party that serves two purposes: it provides a bilingual space offering the chance for cultural exchange over drinks while being the last party of the JET Program contract year.
These flyers were distributed at locations throughout the city. The organization requested a flyer that was a classy, modern, sexy design, which had a melting or hot theme without being too literal, and had space for two languages.
Ideas for the sketches came from geometric shapes, ways in which the idea of heat could be conveyed, and internet research.
I worked with different shapes, colors and typographical elements, and made five mock-ups which I submitted to the organization for review.
Using white rather than a dark background for a nighttime party subverts expectations and gives the flyer a clean, modern look. Fire is conveyed through the tendrils of smoke drifting up from the corner. Trapezoids splayed out chaotically in varying values of red convey heat and excitement, which is juxtaposed with the name of the event in clear bold text.
The reverse has the same design elements as the front, but arranged differently. The bright chaotic trapezoids continue to be a prominent feature, drawing the eye to the essential text of the flyer. The tendrils of smoke are more transparent than on the front to avoid obfuscating the text.

In addition to the flyer, I created a header version of the image for Facebook tailored to both desktop and mobile versions of the site.


size: A6 135kg coat flyers (glossy)


Creative Fields