Profilo di Michel ValoisProfilo di Robin Kurtz

Escuminac - Visual Identity & Packaging

Visual identity & packagings

Érablière Escuminac came into being in 1998 when Martin Malenfant decided to set up his sugarwood on a centuries-old maple-growing area of 500 hectares at Escuminac in the Baie-des-Chaleurs on the Gaspé Peninsula. This land has a particular characteristic: it also includes one of the finest mature yellow birch forests in Quebec. Martin Malenfant wanted to produce a high-quality syrup while respecting the environment, working in harmony with nature. The maple-grower’s mission: produce a superior quality, organic syrup, without compromise! Since 1998, he has implemented a strict plan of management of his sugarwood and high standards of production. In 2006, he finally received his organic certification.

Design Studio: Chez Valois

Creative direction: Michel Valois & Sylvie Racicot  |  Art direction: Michel Valois
Design: Robin Kurtz & Michel Valois  |  Infography: Robin Kurtz & Michel Valois

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Escuminac - Visual Identity & Packaging

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Escuminac - Visual Identity & Packaging

Visual identity and packaging for Escuminac maple syrup
