This movement represents a shake to cancer, for those who suffer it and for those who surround the patients. With your donation we will aid low income cancer patients and their families not only to be able to access their treatments but also to feel uplifted by offering wigs with natural hair to those who desire it. Join our movement, move your hair, share your Shake and invite others to donate.... #DoTheShake
Este movimiento representa la sacudida del cáncer para los que la padecen y los que están alrededor. Con tus donaciones ayudaremos a mujeres de bajos recursos y sus familias, no sólo a acceder a tratamientos sino a levantar su autoestima con pelucas de pelo natural, como símbolo de esta gran iniciativa. Únete al movimiento, mueve tu pelo, comparte tu Shake e invita a donar... #DoTheShake
Creative Director: Xabier Liceaga
VP Design Thinking: Alejandro Mora
PR Celeb Booster: Toya Montoya
Photographer: Andrés Oyuela
Logo Designer: Oscar Guevara
Video Editor: Victor Palacio
Web Designer: Carlos Pinilla
Foundation: Catalina Casas, Maria José Iragorri
Do The Shake

Do The Shake

This movement represents a shake to cancer, for those who suffer it and for those who surround the patients. With your donation we will aid low i Rozwiń
