My name is Joe Phillips; I have just completed a BA (Hons) degree in Motion Graphics. I am a passionate and determined designer with a broad knowledge and skills. I work with Cinema 4D and after effects mostly but I am also strong with the Adobe programing, Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. I have worked with companies in graphic design, print, film, animation and broadcast design. I am a confident individual that works well in a team or alone, and am always willing to adapt and learn new things. 
I love to design clean, smart and effective.
2015 - Showreel
Final Major Project - WWF Eco App
My WWF Gaming App Idea is to teach and raise awareness through a personal gaming utopia. The game is a footprint that is maintained and run on your real life eco-freindlyness.You can have 50+ land/sea/air animals, over 15 types of trees, different mountains/ landscapes and more.
A survey is taken monthly asking questions about your travel, food, home and more. These will determine how eco-friendly you are in everyday life, therefore determining how healthy your virtal footprint utopia is. For example if you were to drive everywhere your footprint will become unhealthy; there will be pollution in the air, your icecaps will start to melt, animals will become ill etc.
You are able to adopt animals in real life through WWF and will receive a virtual version of them to ‘look after’ in the mobile app.You are also able to buy trees that provide oxygen and absorb CO2 making your footprint cleaner. 100% of the money you spend through the app for adoption and forresting goes to the WWF Trust.
The game is made to feel real and personal to each individual. The weather will change along with the weather in real life, along with the seasons. It’s real enough to show you your effect on the earth if everyone lived the way you do.
Save The Children - ​Just Ten Minutes
The idea for the campaign was to connect with dads in their daily routine. Just ten minutes of their day could make a massive difference to their child’s future. So I went about finding activities that dads did daily that took around ten minutes for them to compare to, to make them think its not a long time. Then comparing it to big and well respected jobs that children aspire to become, making the dads feel that they want to help them become something like that, and that they could help them become.
Joe Phillips
0776 238576
Joe Phillips

Joe Phillips

My name is Joe Phillips; I have just completed a BA (Hons) degree in Motion Graphics. I am a passionate and determined designer with a broad know Se mer
