I’m Adeena, I make things and bring them to life with stop frame animation.
Since the start of this course I have been practicing Stop Motion Animation, it’s something I
have always been in awe of ever since the first Wallace and Gromit film came out.
I have also been teaching myself how to sculpt, which has lead to me designing and sculpting
manycharacters, which then star in my stop frame pieces. 

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Give Adeena a Call:
07772 242 668
Horror Channel for Final Major Project
This project was nominated for the Concept Award at the Ravensbourne Degree Show Awards.
I created a lot of horror based characters and a set, My core values were curious,
creative and creepy. Every ident was based around a hole, the idea was that the channel
content is viewed through the hole and the characters are like the guardians/keepers
that live outside the hole.
World Book Day 2016 Promo
I made a pop-up book to inform children which selected authors will be at the next
World Book Day. I wanted to inspire children to pick up a book that they wouldn't
normally choose, and embed a hidden meaning that you shouldn't judge a book
by it's cover!
Pan Macmillan Celebrating 150 years of Alice and Wonderland
I created a series of 3D illustrations for a YCN student project.
I spent two months building a set and creating characters and props, everything
in the imagebelow is hand made with the exception of some china pieces on the
table and a few foam roses.
Adeena Grubb

Adeena Grubb

I’m Adeena, I make things and bring them to life with stop frame animation. I am in the final year of my Motion Graphics Degree at Ravensbourne, Read More
