Atelier Nese Nogays profil

Shirin Neshat Exhibition Catalogue for Dirimart

Editorial, Print

Shirin Neshat is an Iranian visual artist known primarily for her work in movie, video and photography. Her artwork centers on the contrasts between Islam and the West, femininity and masculinity, public life and private life, antiquity and modernity, and bridging the spaces between these subjects.

We were responsible of the exhibition communication design, which includes an invitation, a catalogue, a booklet along with window display and poster for her exhibition in Istanbul. The catalogue included "The Mourners” from her "The Book of Kings" series, alongside the video installations "Turbulent (1998)", " Rapture (1999)" and "OverRuled (2012)”.

Shirin Neshat Exhibition Catalogue for Dirimart

Shirin Neshat Exhibition Catalogue for Dirimart

Book design for a Dirimart artist, Shirin Neshat.
