Welcome to formbashing experiment.

Thanks to Photoshop and zBrush, photobashing and specifically kitbashing became natural part of creative process. But what if we go beyond using functional components in new and unusuall way and dive deeper in the design process.
So here is the question. What makes Lamborghini or Apple products to look like they do? Why we instantly recognise what kind of brand we are looking at? Well, it is because of the form language they use.

What is form language? 

Simply said, it is specific and unique combination of forms and shapes. It is well defined contrast between soft and hard forms, proportions or structure that makes your design unique. Just google it. There are so many definitions on the web ;-)
Now, as far as we finally understand,  let's distille the essence of certain form language into simple building blocks. Let's design a DNA of our form language. Once we are done, we will use those DNA blocks to build much more complex objects, while maintaining consistent style.
Please see the examples bellow> Each section contains Keyshot rendering, zBrush screenshot and setup of the zBrush insert brush - a.k.a form DNA.
Feel free to experiment!
Have fun!

Free introduction tutorial to Formbashing is available here: 
Full tutorial:


Formbashing experiment. Quest for the essence of form languages.
