Romans having discussion, I
Romans having duscussion, II
Martin Shaw portrays polar explorer Capt R.F. Scott in the 1985 adaptation of Roland Huntford's book "The Last Place on Earth."
Rajon Rondo, NBA player
Ruff of former GOP presidential candidate John McCain before he allowed Sarah Palin to go off-leash with her mouth open.
Elvira, Mistress of the Dark
Jillian Michaels, Workout Priestess, Product Spokeswoman
Norwegian actor, director Toralv Maurstad as Hjaalmar Johansen in 1985 adaptation of Roland Huntford's book "The Last Place on Earth"
Chris' Robot Chicken Is Getting Hungry
Mister Farley
Sports broadcaster Andrew Siciliano
Tim Hawkins, Comedian and Musician
El Hombre
80s show "Solid Gold" host and singer Dionne Warwick
Quick Essence Ruff for guitarist Michael Hedges piece
Folk Singer Joan Baez


Caricature sketches and cartooning doodles for potential projects
