Kalashnitrumpet - 2014

A mashup of an AK-47 air-soft bb gun and a trumpet. This is the RL version of the the trumpet gun used for the branding of Extra Action Marching Band, that I designed. 

Trumpet Hero
A Guitar Hero controller modification - 2009

As a horn player who likes rock'n guitar riffs, but doesn't play guitar, I thought it would be fun to mash together a real trumpet with a game controller, to make use of the breathing and fingerings that are used to play a brass instrument in a gaming environment.
See Flickr set HERE
Tangible Tech Exhibit in San Francisco (2009)
at Kicker Studio

The TwoPhonium  - 2010
A Baritone horn strapped to an Alto horn

Once in a while you may see a jazz musician play more than one horn, as kind of a stage trick, usually two trumpets. I thought it would be interesting to try to play two different brass instruments in two different registers. I have an Eflat Alto horn, and a Bflat Baritone horn that happen fit together pretty well for this experiment. I fabricated a plastic piece that held the mouth pieces next to each other, and a two braces that hold the bodies of the horns snugly together. Then I adjusted everything so I was able to play through each mouthpiece individually, or both at the same time. The connecting pieces are removable, and no modifications to either horn had to be made. 
The TwoPhonium II - 2016
An Alto horn strapped to a Trombonium

This horn with piezo transducer mics, was played through an ipad, looper and effects pedals. This video clip is from a performance at
featuring me with Dancin' Baby, an experimental noise band, accompanied by analog video feedback projections from Kit Young
Band Geek Projects

Band Geek Projects

I removed the insides out of a guitar hero controller ad built them into a trumpet I had laying around. Kicker Studio invited me to show it at th Read More


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