The For Boys and Girls Project is a set of materials that would aid in a movement towards reducing the prevalence of gendered packaging as well as the effect such packaging has on purchasing decisions.
The following is a poster that summarizes the movement.
The materials come in three parts.
For Toy Shoppers (parents) is an informational website that explains how they can individually contribute to the movement. The website is meant to be seen after they've had their first encounter with the materials in the toy stores.
For Toy Sellers (stores) is a set of toy boxes and pamphlets that have unconventional packaging and design, aimed to stand out in the multitude of colors at a toy store. These items pose questions about the parents' purchasing choice and inform them of the impact that has their children.
For Toy Makers (designers) is a book that provides simple guidelines for designing neutrally-branded toys and packaging. The book goes through color combinations that work, and how designers can follow simple rules to create more color combinations of the same vein. It also explains how to use the For Boys and Girls labeling system around their toys, in addition to the typical age labeling.
For Toy Shoppers: the website
For Toy Makers: the booklet
For Toy Sellers: the package
For Boys and Girls
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For Boys and Girls

A movement that seeks to reduce the prevalence of gendered packaging as well as the effect they have on purchasing decisions.

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