Restriction and Reworking (Scroll Drawing)
Sketch vellum - 24” x 10 yards
Vine charcoal, charcoal powder, conte.
The Drawing restriction and re-working was the first major assignment from Norm Paris' Drawing studio. In this video I was using a spray bottle filled with ink and spraying over my legs and arms to create silhouette prints on a piece of scroll paper. The silhouette image was then drawn over with bones and skeletons using charcoal and I had nature lab human skeleton as reference.
Orbit. 40" x 60"
A drawing that re-interprets the specific skeletal forms explored within a section of my previous scroll drawing as if that arrangement was perceived from a different vantage point.
Conte, compressed charcoal, vine charcoal
Frankenstein (3 x) 25” x 38” 
Three drawings of an interesting interior space at RISD that come together to form a new hybrid structure. - Four point perspective
Conte, graphite
Now and Then. (6x) 18" x 24"
Exploration of changing space and changing light over time within and around an interior space.
Compressed charcoal, vine charcoal
Studies of "the Pile" drawing, (4x) 18" x 24"
1.Construction steel sheet   2.Bricks   3.Snow   4.Combination of the three and an exploration of ideas.
The Pile model. 12" x 12" x 13"
Spray foam, wood, tin foil, foam balls, sticks, gorilla glue.
The Pile drawing. 50" x 120"
Conte, compressed charcoal, white pastel, vine charcoal.
Side by side scale comparison of the model vs. the drawing.
Day and Night
Post-processing: digital manipulated filters on the drawing
Final: Parameter Series
The parameter series is a visual search/discovery process in which each one in the class decide their own focus for the second half of the semester. I focused on the idea of turning normal objects/stationaries into little monsters with the method of washing ink over a paper cement resist to create a print looking effect. 
Parameter studies (week 1). (8x) 18" x 24"
Tri-tone ink wash
Ink, paper cement, rubber cement eraser
Parameter studies. (selection from week 2) 25" x 38" (left), 20" x 30" (right) 
More variation in tone value, using rubber cement eraser to create texture as well as praying diluted ink over the resist.
Ink, paper cement, spray bottle, rubber cement eraser
Parameter final drawing. (week 4) 3ft x 12ft
Ink, paper cement, spray bottle, rubber cement eraser
Spring-2015 Drawing

Spring-2015 Drawing

Foundation Studio - Drawing. Spring 2015. Norman Paris
