Profilo di Jess Cripps

Cards and Illustrations

Various holiday cards designs, illustrations and posters.
Various illustrations done by me, mainly for personal projects like holiday cards, contest entries and sometimes just for fun.
2010 Holiday Cards. Card front and inside. Designed in a Scandinavian motif entirely in Adobe Illustrator.
2011 Holiday cards. Front cover and card inside, created entirely using Adobe Illustrator CS5.
2012 New Years Card. Designed entirely in Adobe Illustrator CS5.
Oktoberfest 2010 - Menu design contest for Black Forest Inn, Minneapolis.
Illustration for Chistaya Eda, a Russian organic brand.
Fashion illustrations and mock logo for Cherry Brand clothiers.
Scary little monsters illustration.
Cards and Illustrations

Cards and Illustrations

Annual Christmas card for personal use. Illustrated entirely using Adobe Illustrator CS5.
