Well, it's been some time since I published a personal project. Here's one that I have been working on for quite some time.
When I was learning Cinema 4D, Nick Campbell's Greyscale Gorilla tutorials really helped me get acclimated with the program. One of my favorites has to do with using the Sound Effector to animate a group of polygons. I love animations that directly involve sound, so this tutorial was made for me! 
Now to get the most out of the Sound Effector, you need a song that has a lot of peaks and valleys. I ultimately settled on Derezzed (The Glitch Mob Remix) by Daft Punk off of the Tron: Reconfigured album. The middle section practically sounds like it was made for this tutorial. I created a custom Tron ball, cloned it, then applied the sound effector, and voilà! (Note: It's not that easy)
Unfortunately, this project is one of a lot of regret. "Derezzed"'s run time is 5:36. I intially wanted to make an epic animation spanning that length but I just could not come up with an idea for what to actually animate. Piano keys, glass bars, and 3D text were all considered, but nothing stuck. I eventually shorten the song to three minutes, then to one and a half, until finally giving up an just going with the insert section. 
I am happy with what the end result was, but I'll always look back at this videoa and ask "what if?" I've included a couple of GIFs of animations that I wanted to use, but ultimately couldn't do anything with.
This project was done in both Cinema 4D and After Effects. The 3D part, as I mentioned before, was created usinga GSG tutorial. You can find the tutorial thru this link: greyscalegorilla.com/blog/tutorials/animate-with-music-using-the-sound-effector-in-cinema-4d/
For the After Effects section, I used Trapcode Particular and Video Co-Pilot's Optical Flares in conjuction with Sound Keys, also from Trapcode, to give the plusing effect.
Again, the song is Derezzed (The Glitch Mob remix) by Daft Punk from the Tron: Legacy R3CONF1GUR3D album.


This music sync animation was created as a continuation of a GSG tutorial. This video was supposed to be part of a larger video but I couldn't Read More
