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Instagram Material Redesign (Part 1)

Intro: Material Design has been around for a while now and a lot of well known apps such as Dropbox, WhatsApp, Tumblr, Kik, Outlook, OneDrive and a bunch of others has actually taken the Google Design Guidelines into consideration when they've created an updated design. In this case, Material Design.
So, I thought that I would apply the Material elements on to the Instagram app and see how you could rearrange things and some features, and what types of components that can be applied.
This will be a mini-series covering all parts of the app and the different sections of the app. Part one will cover the main components as Toolbar, tabs, Floating Action Button (FAB) and the main feed.
Moved the apps main navigation to four tabs instead.
The upload feature now uses a FAB.
Switch between normal feed view and optional grid view.
Like/Comment changed from an iOS-ish look to a clean variant based on Androids system icons.
Instagram Material Redesign (Part 1)

Instagram Material Redesign (Part 1)

Part 1 of my mini series redesigning the Instagram app for Android using Material Design.
